Where possible we follow the route that we took in the balloon, so that you can see from ground level what you noticed from the air. Whereas evening flights are often difficult because of the sea breeze from the Mediterranean which can be quite stiff, and sometimes doesn’t drop until well after dark. The inflation takes about 30 minutes, and we are usually back by mid-morning.

The Breakfast
After the balloon has taken off our Crew picks up freshly baked bread, pizza and pastries from the local bakery for the morning’s breakfast. Local meats and cheeses, sourced from local markets, along with fruit in season, are served with possibly the finest Italian sparkling wine, the award winning Ferrari Brut.
Private Balloon Flights
For those wanting a really special and private ballooning experience we can offer the exclusive use of a smaller balloon with a special personal attention from our pilot and crew. We would normally expect private flights to be up to 4 people. We can also quote for larger groups, please ask for further information.

Tailor-made Balloon Flights from Other Launch Sites
If you have a suitable field or lawn it may be possible to fly from your location. This requires some considerable organization which includes site inspection and examination of aeronautical charts. This is reflected in the charges that we make so please ask for further information.
The Landscape
The area in which we fly spans across parts of Tuscany and Umbria, it starts from Cortona and Montepulciano in the south and ends just south of Florence in the north. It consists of rolling hills and steep valleys, villages on hilltops, and isolated farmhouses and castles.
Closer to earth we can chat to farmers clipping their olive trees or seeing to their vines as we coast by down the valley, looking for a place to land, skirting castles and villages that have not changed in centuries. It is a well cared for landscape that is a pleasure to behold.
Look at news and more pictures at our Facebook pages.

The Ballooning Season
The “ballooning season” is approximately late Spring to early Autumn with annual variations. Sometimes May is cold and rainy and October is warm and sunny—you never know!—but the middle months of the summer are regularly good for ballooning.
We recommend passengers to overnight locally if they are staying more than a 45 minute ride away. Please look at our links page for suggestions where to stay.