British weather leaving you deflated?
Why not explore Tuscany by converting your Virgin Balloon Flights voucher to a Ballooning in Tuscany voucher?
- 62 reviews of Ballooning in Tuscany in Montisi
Our heavily reduced price for a Ballooning in Tuscany voucher is £185 and you would pay the difference between this and what you paid for your voucher. The current price for balloon rides in Tuscany is €280 per person (about £230).
Take a timeless balloon ride with our Italian sister company Ballooning in Tuscany and fly from an enchanted valley at Montisi, south of Siena. Soar above ancient towns such as Pienza, Montelpulciano and Montalcino with their famous vineyards and enjoy a fantastic breakfast of fine local produce.
How to get there.
The closest airport is Perugia which is about 1 hour drive from our base in Montisi. Another alternative is Pisa which is a 2.5 hour drive but you would be passing both Florence and Siena on the way so this could be an interesting proposal. There are lots of flights to choose from between British Airways, Ryanair and Easyjet. Car Hire is also relatively inexpensive in Italy.
Where to stay.
Accommodation is plentiful and ranges from inexpensive Agriturismo’s to luxury villas. For Agriturismo’s look at and also the Ballooning in Tuscany links page for suggestions of where to stay and what else there is to do.
What happens if your flight in Tuscany is cancelled?
The weather in Italy is traditionally better than in the UK but it can still subject to days of unsuitable flying conditions. To optimise the chances of your flight going ahead, we would ask you to submit a minimum of two available flying dates, preferably consecutive days.
In the event of your flight being cancelled and cannot be rearranged during you stay, any upgrade amount paid for a balloon ride in Tuscany is fully refundable. We would also replace your old Virgin voucher with a fresh 12 months’ validity voucher or you can exchange the total £165 for a Virgin Experience Days gift card to be redeemed against a range of other experiences.

If you have more questions.
Either call Monica at our Italian office on +39 338 146 2994 or email her on You can also look at the Ballooning in Tuscany FAQ page.
Look at news and pictures on Facebook.